Vanda Violeta
Vanda Violeta is a primary hybrid (Vanda coerulea x Vanda tessellata). This is a stunning blue flower with the most glorious fragrance! It can bloom often- 3 to 5 times a year! It prefers a nice bright filtered light area…preferably a bit brighter than where you would normally keep your strap leaf vandas. Remember, as with most vandas, they prefer to be grown bare root and hang so you need to make sure you ware watering it often as the roots will dry quickly!
Looking for a wow vanda to add to your collection? We have them! In spike, not currently blooming and in bloom! Just text or call (941-474-3255) or message us on Instagram or Facebook! Ours are very tall! Some up to 6 and 7 ft from top of flowers to bottom of roots!